Hello there! I'm Elly, and you are on my blog. I like long walks on nudist beaches (fully clothed) and I believe that you should NEVER play leapfrog with a unicorn. It can only end badly. Right now, I'm looking into hiring a ninja to kill winter, so if you're interested contact me. Seriously, it's too cold. Something must be done. I love toast, and have written a poem for it; 'Oh golden crisp toast! Most perfect of all foodstuffs, butter be your crown.' I also believe that the doona is the sweetest concept to bloom from the squishy human mind. Bye bye, I ♥ you all!
It's funny how much truth there is behind that poem......
Indeed, it is true. Except... replace "tooth" with 'Ashlee' and "flossing" with 'tormenting'.
'I strangle each Ashlee'
*Lolz* I like it.
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