Saturday, March 8, 2008

Marv the Mole

Hello again, loyal cronies. I have recently started drawing lots and lots of REALLY random cartoons, which I call 'Marv the Mole'. Kudos to Ashlee for coming up with the name, but if you guys have any other suggestions, I'd like to hear them. At some later point in time, I'm going to make a new blog for all of my wonderful creations.
Until then, I'll keep you up to date on all of the goss from Loserville Australia, population:ME! No one wants to live with me, so I live alone.
Buh-bye my lovelies!


Ashlee. said...

Yes yes yes no, that's not entirely true. Loserville has a population of 2... ever wondered what that barking was under your bed? IT WAS ME!
-Travis may have a mural, but he's not with you 24/7 like me, so he can't know everything-

-Always watching,
P.S I'd appreciate it if you put your dirty socks in the wash, rather than leave them under your bed. They don't taste very good. Trust me, I've tried them.

v00d00_b0b said...

How about "a little hint of crazy"