Saturday, August 9, 2008


I finally got the internet to work properly.... I sacrificed a stack of blank CDs and did a ritual connectivity dance. All is well again. Just in case your internet bums out, you have to sing a binary chant in the ritual, it goes like this "0000001, 0000001, 0000001, 00000011"- like the binary solo in Flight of the Conchords.


Ashlee. said...

True, true. It's the same for my dog... when he goes haywire, I feed him a bunch of cds and binary solo him until he's no longer not working.

Teagan said...

Low and behold it is the Ellster!
Fo' sho', mate.

I've known you to have one of these since, like, start of year eight when Cailtin told me she preffered this over MySpace. Yeah, this is much better than myspace. You go to this when myspace fails.


Your blog is better than mine *sniffle*

Inividual Chick said...

You talk about some pretty weird stuff Elly. At least i have some cool things on my blog lol.
I luvs you


The Tea Party Police said...

I am deeply hurt, Rachel. I think my blog's the height of kewlness, even if it's not. So there.

Elly (Well, duh. Who else would I be?)